Best iphone shortcuts automation
Best iphone shortcuts automation

I love a good toggle switch, and that's exactly what If lets me make. My favorite scripting action might just be the If action. But if you're just getting started with Shortcuts, and are interested in the Scripting section, now you know what to expect from each of the available categories. There's a reason that I tell most people looking to use Shortcuts to stick to the Gallery tab. You can perform a specific x-callback action, or encode/decode text passed into the URL Encode action to be suitable for inclusion into a URL.

  • X-Callback: These actions use Apple's older x-callback URL scheme for opening and sending information between apps.
  • You can either append an action's input to a particular variable or simply create a new variable.
  • Variables: These actions let you work with variables inside your shortcuts.
  • Shortcuts: These actions are for the Shortcuts app itself, and these are how you get a list of your current shortcuts, or how you run a shortcut inside of another shortcut.
  • Shell: Only one action here, which lets you run a shell script over SSH.
  • best iphone shortcuts automation

    There are actions for formatting something's file size into text, formatting information on a number, getting numbers from an input, passing a number into an input, or generating a random number.

    best iphone shortcuts automation

    Numbers: You can use these actions to work with numbers in a variety of different ways.You can ask for input, play a sound, vibrate the device, show a notification, and show an alert based on what you're actions are doing. Notification: Using these actions, you can offer different prompts to the user.The Nothing action "does nothing and produces no output," and you can use to to prevent any input from passing into the next action. Comment is just a block where you can explain how a shortcut or part of a shortcut works. No-ops: These two actions, very specifically do nothing within the context of the shortcut they're can also get your current IP address or other details about your current network. This is where you'll find actions for turning cellular data and Wi-Fi on or off, or setting Airplane Mode. Network: These actions deal with certain network functions.You can convert measurements into new units or move a measurement into the next action. Measurements: These two actions deal with measurements.There are actions for performing calculations, calculating statistics of provided numbers, or rounding provided numbers. Math: This one's pretty straightforward you use these actions when your shortcut needs to do math.You can also specify a list that needs to be passed into an upcoming action. The Choose from List action, for instance, is often if not always essential when you're working with a dictionary from which you'd like to choose an item. Lists: These actions all work with lists of items passed into them.You can, for instance, count a number of words or other items passed into the Count action, or the name of everything passed into the Get Name input. Items: These actions all accept some kind of input and do something with it.Files: There are two actions in this list: Base64 Encode, which either encodes or decodes text using Base64 encoding, and Generate Hash, which generates an MD5/SHA1 has from a given input.For more information on working with dictionaries and how you might use them, check out my guide here. Tapping an item on that list will open its associated key-value under the remaining parameters of the shortcut. A dictionary used in a shortcut will be presented to you as a list. Dictionaries: A dictionary is a type of database that stores key values, essentially sets of terms (keys) and definitions (key values).A personal favorite of mine is Set Playback Destination, which I use to avoid having to fiddle around with AirPlay menus.


    Get your battery level or other device information, turn Bluetooth on or off, etc., these actions also control or give you information on some aspect of your device. Device: These are your actions that control different functions on your iPhone or iPad.A shortcut with the If action, for instance, can run one way if a specific condition is met, or another way if it isn't.

    best iphone shortcuts automation

    Control Flow: These actions, like Choose from Menu, If, Repeat, and Wait, as the section title would suggest, control how a shortcut flows and can change how it operates in some cases.This action opens any app you'd designate.

    best iphone shortcuts automation

    Apps: This has only one action right now: Open App.The Scripting menu is split into multiple sections with a variety of potential actions: You can use the actions in the Scripting menu to modify how your shortcuts work or to power complex shortcuts with multiple choices and menus, creating, essentially, small apps within the Shortcuts app. It's where some of the most interesting shortcut building can take place. But it's also more of an "advanced actions" menu for Shortcuts as a whole.

    Best iphone shortcuts automation