Poor study habits
Poor study habits

Effective studying will help students to prepare schoolwork in less time to achieve greater degree of mastery of the lesson. Paivio (2000) noted that habits of study, which are formed in school, have greater significance and students must realize the need to acquire these effective study habits. Practicing good study habits is the key to becoming smarter and achieving success in school. An individual student has to take more responsibility to acquire the desired knowledge to develop positive values, critical thinking, attitudes and skills.Įffective study skills and strategies are opportunities to approach learning tasks systematically and independently. Learning is a very important personal matter and there isn’t one study habit that works for every situation. The social and economic development of a country is directly linked with student academic performance the desire of success is derived from individual’s concept of himself and in term of the meaning of various incentives as they spell success and failure in the eyes of others. Schools, colleges, polytechnics and universities have no worth without student. Success as the name implies is wished for by everybody but it does not easily come by on a mere platter of gold one must work for it through hard work and diligence.

poor study habits

It ensures the acquisition of knowledge and skills that enable individuals to increase in their productivity and improve in their quality of life. It plays a vital role in the development of human capital and is linked with an individual well – being and opportunities for better living. In the era of globalization and technological revolution, education is considered as a first step for every human activity. According to Good’s dictionary of education, “Study habits are the tendency of students to study when the opportunities are given. The term “Study habits” implies a sort of more or less permanent method of studying. Study habits are defined as those techniques such as summarizing, note taking, outlining or locating materials which learners employ to assist themselves in the efficient leaning of the materials which is at land. Study habits are learning tendencies that enable students work privately. It was however recommended that teachers and parents should identify good study habits and find ways and means of enhancing them among students. The work also moved further to the findings the conclusion, the summary and the recommendations. The questions were meant to elicit response on The Effects of Study Habits of Academic Performance of Students in Public Secondary Schools in Chikun Local Government Area. It is designed along 5 point like type scale ranging from Strongly Agreed (SA), Agreed (A), Undecided (U), Disagreed (D) and Strongly Disagreed (SD). The instrument is made up of 5 items and it consists of 20 items which formed the main part of the questionnaire. This research uses questionnaire, observation and data presentation in its work based on the number of the respondent of the questionnaires administered. So, this research consists of details about why effective study habits are needed in secondary schools in order to learn and eventually score better. So students are generally assumed to have effective study habits, but the environment of school is very different and the need of effective study habits is even more at college level as compared to school. It is generally believed that a student learns effective study habits in school.

poor study habits

This researcher attends to find out perception of Poor Study Habits of Students in Public Secondary Schools in Chikun Local Government Area, Kaduna State and analyze relationship between study habits and academic performance and various other factors that affect study habits. Over the years, researchers on factors that influence academic performance of students have attracted the interest of not only researchers but concern of teachers, counselors, psychologists, and school administrators as well. Several researchers have tried to explain it differently and the description of each is partially true. In the field of education and psychology, learning has been discovered all over the world to be a highly complex problem. EFFECT OF POOR STUDY HABITS ON STUDENTS’ ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE

Poor study habits