He plays with the zippers for a while before moving on to her zippicamiknicks.
He takes out her velveteen shorts and learns how to use the zippers on it. He then begins to go through her suitcase. He is thrilled to inhale the scent of her perfume as it wafts into the air. The first thing he does is open Lenina's suitcase. He climbs through the window into the rest-house. Impulsively he picks up a rock and uses it to smash through a window. He knows it is her suitcase because it has the initials L.C.
He sits for a half an hour before he decides to look through the windows of the rest-house to see if there are any signs of Bernard and Lenina. He sits on the steps of the rest-house and cries. Linda had asked him to go and make sure that they were still there and now he will have to tell her that they have been left behind. John begins to panic at this point because he thinks that Bernard and Lenina have left without them. His attempts are foiled though because the door is locked. When he does not receive an answer to his shouts of Bernard's name, he tries to enter the rest-house. John meanwhile had gone to the rest-house to see Bernard. He was back on board the helicopter and flying back to Malais by two-thirty that afternoon. Once he left the Warden's office Bernard treated himself to some pampering and lunch at the hotel in Santa Fe. He only wanted to get his permits and be on his way. The Warden was his normal effusive self, which of course Bernard disliked. The Controller had already made the necessary arrangements to have the permits ready for Bernard to pick up at the Warden of the Reservation's office.īernard had the pilot fly him to the Warden's office. Bernard was told to bring them to London at once.

He presented his finding John and Linda as a matter of scientific interest. At ten forty-seven he was on the phone with Mustapha Mond, the Controller. At ten thirty-four he was in the World Controller's Office in Whitehall. Bernard felt that he could go to Santa Fe and accomplish his business and still be back before Lenina woke up. Bernard was concerned for Lenina's safety in the room by herself but, the pilot assured him that she was perfectly safe.

Now all that was left was the implementation of his plan.Īt ten o'clock the next morning he stepped aboard the helicopter. It took him till midnight to formulate his plan. He found himself enduring a sleepless night making plans to bring John and Linda back to London. This would ensure her of at least 18 hours of soma holiday. After viewing the Indian ceremony, Lenina felt the need to relax and escape the feelings she experienced on the Reservation, so she took six half-gramme soma tablets.